You can listen to a keynote.
Or you can experience it.
Your top talent deserves inspiration and permission to do things their own way, which in turn will drive greater business results for your company or organization. That's where Erin and Nicole come in. Real life executives, podcasts cohosts, emcee pros and not-quite comedians create a live EXPERIENCE that is not simply about saying the right words, it's about demonstrating and inspiring change.
Said another way, think Talk Show meets Ted Talk.
Through a bit of theater, a bunch of truth-telling, and a little therapy, Erin and Nicole will emcee your event & give your audience the most forthright, interactive, entertaining, and action-oriented women's conference you've ever attended.

Erin Hatzikostas is a former corporate CEO who crushed the business case for the power of authentic leadership, tripling earnings in her 3 years as CEO of
PayFlex. At the same time, employee engagement scores skyrocketed.
Now on a new mission, she is the Founder of bAuthentic inc and co-host of the bCause with Erin & Nicole podcast. She's hell-bent to shake up what she sees as an all-too-fake and uninspiring corporate world.
Erin is a nationally-recognized thought-leader on the power of authentic leadership. She’s been featured in publications such as Forbes, Business Insider,
Well+Good, and Authority Magazine. Erin is well known for her Midwestern-inspired, unpretentious, witty, and authentic style of leadership. She is a truth-teller, coach, MBA, runner, skier, wife, mom of two, and someone who is not afraid to dance in public.

By day, Nicole Licata Grant is an economist and executive director of a non-profit, philanthropic foundation for a global energy company, which helps her keep the lights on at home, while also providing daily inspiration for the b Cause with Erin & Nicole podcast.
Nicole is an expert at solving big issues through conflict and chaos (often quite literally). She grew up working-class in New Haven, Conn., graduated from Yale while poor, navigated divorce, worked in warzones, and survived being “arrested” overseas.
Nicole is thrilled to now add “ridding Corporate America of inauthenticity” as her latest (and possibly, biggest) cause. When not working in public service or podcasting, Nicole spends her time evangelizing for New Haven pizza and grappling with owning a 200-year old home. Nicole is known for seeing the humor in all things and staying gainfully-employed for over two decades while refusing to get an adult haircut.

Erin and Nicole have known each other long enough to go from “idiots to executives."
Picture it: 20-plus years ago in Hartford, Conn. Erin was an aspiring Actuary (fail) and Nicole
was working where many confused Ivy-league grads first land - at a major consulting firm (also a fail). As fate has it, they found themselves at the same Halloween party. Nicole rolled in as Boogie Nights’ “Roller Girl” (skates and all) and Erin, dressed as a star athlete, knew immediately they had to become friends.
Fast forward two decades; they’ve experienced many divergent career and life successes and challenges, and they’ve pushed the boundaries on their wildest dreams. Yet they always cheered each other on, commiserated and conspired together. Then one day, buried deep in an email, Erin “proposed” to Nicole – she asked if she would do a podcast with her. Erin was sick of hearing from too many people how stuck and miserable they were in their careers. At the same time, all of the podcasts were just a bit too “normal”…boring and theoretical.
A few months later, the b Cause with Erin & Nicole podcast was born. Through it, they are
on a mission to set aside the traditional career and leadership “BS”, and instead inspire others
through their real-life stories, interviews and personal journeys. Truly opposites in just about everything, Erin & Nicole share a powerful common thread; their ability to be deeply thoughtful and extraordinarily funny all in virtually the same unscripted breath.

Unleash your career mojo through the power of leading authentically
Your top talent deserves inspiration and permission to do things their own way, so that they can say "yes" to the bigger opportunities and bring their best selves to the job, which in turn will drive greater business results for you.
That's where Erin and Nicole come in. They created a live experience, which is not about saying all the right words, it's about demonstrating and enabling change.
Things you'll learn:





Be empowered to bring more of their unique self to work
Understand strategies that will allow them to NOT opt out of the next big job or role
Learn to craft into a personal leadership narrative that embraces success and failures equally
Be connected to a dynamic community of people who are committed to empowering change in their lives and the lives of others
A stomachache from laughing (and maybe a slight tinkle too)
E = Emcee^2
We don’t make conferences; we create the energy that will make your conference unforgettable.
The difference between a good conference and an unforgettable conference is simpler than you think. But for some reason, this all-too-important piece gets lost in the shuffle.
A good emcee can make or break an event. But standing on stage, unscripted is typically the scariest, most unnatural place in the world for most.
Things you'll learn:





Be empowered by both the knowledge and the ENERGY from your conference
Better synthesize and see the connections between your speakers’ presentations
Know that you aren’t just going through the ‘conference motion
Feel like they attended the most thought-out, well orchestrated event ever
Maybe experience a tiny tinkle or two from laughing

“Dynamic, energetic, captivating. Come with no expectations and you’ll be pleasantly surprised!”
Nicole Chiarella
Tax Partner, Citrin Cooperman

"Erin and Nicole showcased their combined professional experience, life experience and perspective in a fun, interactive setting that is certainly not the norm for leadership talks or events. Looking forward to the next one!"
Julie G.
President, WAVE

“I didn’t really know what to expect, but it was absolutely amazing. This event for me was fresh, very authentic, and it was breathtaking.”
Kelie L.
VP, Mint Medical

“This event was frickin’ amazing! It was different., it was refreshing, and just awesome.”
Danilsa L.
Sr. Audit Manager

“It was the most raw, authentic environment I’ve ever been part of. Be ready to be real. Be ready to speak your truth. Be ready to learn.”
Mia J.
Partner, Oxeon Partners